Vyoma labs took part in Bangalore Mahanagara Vipra Samavesha on 24-02-2018 and 25-02-2018
Learning Digital Marketing at High Traffic Summit, Bangalore Febuaray 2018
sss vyoma2021-02-26T12:06:36+00:00Vyoma Labs team participated in the High Traffic Summit Seminar on Digital Marketing held at Bangalore. Our Sale Manager Srinivas Mutalik, Coo Venkatasubramanian and CEO Viswanathan took part in the event on 25.02.2018
International Mother Language Day Celebration – Bengaluru Feburary 2018
sss vyoma2021-02-26T12:06:36+00:00As a part of the UN initiative, UNESCO celebrates International Mother Language day every year on Febuary 21st 2018.This year at Bangalore the celebration was organised at REVA university in Bangalore. About 150 people participated and conveyed the Importance of Mother Language . Vyoma Labs was invited to represent the Sanskrit fraternity. After few sentences [...]
Vyoma Labs visited the Guruvayoor Campus February 2018
sss vyoma2021-02-26T12:06:36+00:00Vyoma Labs visited the Guruvayoor Campus on 07.02.2018 and gave a lecture and demo on “ E-learning tools for learning Sanskrit”. The speech was given by Venkatasubramanian P to the faculty and students of Shiksha Shastry department . About 100 + students and 30 research scholars attended the programme. [...]