Project Description
Vyoma Labs was invited to take part in the District Sammelanam and conduct the quiz competition for college students. Sanskrit brothers – Venkatasubramanian and Viswanathan P conducted a technology enabled quiz ( portions Ramayana – Balakanda and Ayodhaya kanda) .
Different rounds where conducted like direct questions, audio, visual, dumbcharades, rapid fire . About 8 teams were shortlisted from a team of 16 teams for the oral round on 25.02.2018 Vyoma Labs had set up a hub where students could come and play Sanskrit Games . More than 100 students visited the hub and played games.
After conducting the quiz, Sanskrit brothers shared the importance of reading the original valmiki ramayan in Sanskrit and having it in our nityaparayanam. More than 600 people participated in the Sammelanam